


















    三月中马上要有st. patrick day的大型庆祝活动,跟国内的庙会似的,所以得让市长知道问题的严重性,好在他有微信,还在一些邻居群里,比较容易联系,把论文一条条转给他就行。



    dr. rken and board ers,

    we are all awarethecausedthe avirus ---covid-19.

    with its rapidly spread asia, europe, now ost pareo  theirhealth a sce the oentialplaces.

    i agree with dr. rken,should not uati via social dia,ght ic,i usually liste-liors' interviews, check the official cdcwhite h.

    the re i listehe re i thiofurther preparation for a d oeag.

    【higher risk oion】

    following videoa bined  ths,shows that even for adult, the st educated experts, it’s super hardkeep a good hygies, ion kids and young adults, o i ght spread re rapidly than roups:


    i’ve learhere are ny cases worldwide that were causedasytotic people, hereoudypaper: presud asytotic carrier transssioncovid-19 shows that transssion frosytotic carrierpossible.(

    this articleposted owork, froits age,shows “ja: the journalthe ari dical assoa peer-reviewed dial publishedtis a yearthe ari dica publishes inal research, reviews, aorials g all aspeedie.”

    it's not a social dia, it’s a biodie gazi like “nature”“cell”.

    【disiing efficy】

    this paper air, surfaental, and persoive equipnt inatioe respiratory syndro avirus 2 (sars-ptotit

    (  )

    this article suggested disihe ene also clued that “signifiviroanatioh sars-ch respiratory droplets and fecal sheddihe ea poteransssion and supports the riental and hand hygiene.”

    persos (avoidtououth/ouobs/handles now.

    i wly reend fronow oudeable/equipnt surfaces before they settle dowhend tables.

    i believe stthe parents are willingdonate disiio s.


    thispage “agiotensiing enzy 2 [ ho sapiens (hun)]” shows whis s the stthe ace2 protein which the virus attacks:

    (  )

    that’s why a lotbioditistsphysis believe why so people have abdonal disfort ao (iacked), why so people have pneunia and have difficultybreath (lung got attad why so people suddenly fallthe grot attacked).

    that page just showedhoerson’s body coulddaged.

    this paper  shoidly and broadly this virus  spread and how sooed person starts ihers.

    is a weekly peer-reviewed generaang the world's oldest, ous, a known general dials., it's not social dia.

    oient reatnt,ght last a coupleweekseven nths for peopleseriouspatients waitireatnt ile up.

    ohe virus get widely spread iy,will cause big lossdical stuff firstwe don’t have eiole cases), whes startseek dical care,will worsen our whole dical systest people with existing s will findhardsurvive, especially the elders.

    it's the ti everyoake aprevehing fro i think it's also ti for school districttake sideration for school gswitgoeag.

    elder daughter, who just graduated frodhs last year, willho  e' school asks theove outschool housing and take lihe spring break,e back this sester.

    i already discussed with her, she shouldin quaras ho, h friends,shopping,public gy even though shenot happy, but agreed that she should take this responsibility for the whole unity, especially for this hard ti.

    she also raised a valid question: iplay withsisterho, whati get ied way ho (it's a day long 2-stop flight) andare all uhe iion, willbe dangerous for her tead classtesshe still goesschool everyday?

    and finally i wantshare this analysis (yes, iawarethat, it's frosocial dia, but the datalists are froofficially published sources):

    thank you very ch for you't aniic, just want the schet well preparedavoid unnecessary loss.

    and thank you for all the hard work you’ve done, reciate it.

    stay safe ahy.




    原文:thank y the tishare your s. i feel like the laiodratically with each dayit relatesthis very seriou feel t that our superi and board will e together todayke ato best support the safetyour students, staff and unity.










    this order shall bee effective12:01 a.rch 17, 2020 and willtoiil 11:59 p.april 7, 2020,untilis extended, resded, superseded,aih officer.








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